Welcome to Naruto Revelation! We are an AU Roleplay Site that focuses on helping the members have as much fun as possible! Our Staff's main goal is to help you develop your personal character, and encourage you to make your own legacy to leave on this site! Could your character be the next Naruto Uzumaki? Only your actions will answer that! We are however strict on using Naurto Universe Logic, so Jutsu and ablities will have to make sense on how they are preformed. Other than that, we are really laid back here~
Many upon many of generations have past since the time of Naruto Uzumaki, ushering him and his legacy into the myth-like status, similar to the Sage of the Six Paths of his own time. The state of peace has dulled with age, and ill intentions have been slowly creeping into the minds of the people. The peace from the past are weakening, and it's not a matter if they will hold, but for how much longer.